Our Services




'Waterproofing' is a broad term used to describe a range of services performed to fix a wet basement.
One of the most critical factors in basement waterproofing is to correctly identify the source of the leak. We accomplish this task by performing a site visit and consulting with the homeowner to determine where and when the problem occurs.
Foundation cracks and/or inoperative weeping tile systems are the most common causes of basement leakage.
Water which seeps into the basement at the base of the walls, at floor level, or through cracks in the floor, usually indicates that the weeping tile system is not working. Many homes in the Ottawa area, constructed in the 1950's-1960's, have terracotta clay weeping tile, which over a period of years, can become plugged with clay or sand or can crumble and collapse, preventing the water from being carried away from the house. Homes built prior to 1950 almost never have any weeping tile system at all.

Clay soil conditions are a hazard of the Ottawa Region. Clay allows water saturation of soil, rather than drainage which is required in order for water to flow to a weeping tile system. Saturated clay will freeze and often, with the thaw in the spring, will cause foundation cracks and poor drainage in window wells, resulting in back-ups and flooded basements.
Foundation construction materials have changed over the years. Materials used in the Ottawa area include rubble stone, boulder stone, cinder block, concrete block and the current standard - poured concrete. Poured concrete walls, especially those in newer homes, are the most resistant to leakage; however, they too, often develop cracks that allow water to enter.
Concrete blocks and stones are quite porous, which can result in water seepage directly through foundation walls when the ground is saturated or the water table rises. Water can also seep through the porous mortar joints between bricks, stones, or concrete blocks. In addition, the hollow cores of concrete blocks may eventually hold water, thus, when the water level within the blocks is higher than the basement floor, water seepage occurs.
Other common culprits include poorly positioned downspouts and missing, leaky or plugged gutters. Downspouts should direct water runoff from the roof to a discharge point several feet away from the house. A downspout that is improperly positioned to drain against the side of the house allows water to build up along the foundation wall, until the backed-up "reservoir" finds a weak spot to enter the basement. Gutters should be cleared of leaves and debris at least once a year. Basement leakage from either of these causes is usually restricted to one spot and disappears when the external problem is fixed.
Improper surface drainage is another common cause of basement leakage. In many cases, this can be alleviated simply by re-grading the yard to slope slightly away for the home's foundation.
In many situations water infiltration may result because of a simple crack and can be remedied with polyurethane injection . This creates a permanent repair under wet or dry conditions and is environmentally friendly.
When excavation of your foundation is required, Platon Foundation Protector is installed on the exterior of the foundation wall. Both methods ensure a dry basement.